Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 31--- 9 Weeks to Go!

    It has been a very long time since my last post, and there are things that I already regret not writing about... feeling her first kick, her hiccups, Thanksgiving, Christmas... :/  But I am trying not to beat myself up about it.  Regardless of my lack of posts, our love for our little baby girl was grown immensely!
     I felt her first movement around week 22, and BJ was able to feel her move soon after that. It got to the point where all I wanted to do at home was lay down with my hands on my tummy, feeling her move! Of course, my tummy has been growing and growing, and at my last checkup, I had my largest weight gain--- 8 lbs!  I know, I know- that's not a lot, but I believe that most women can understand the weird feeling of gaining weight and being somewhat happy about it.
     Shopping is an even more dangerous activity now that I'm buying for a baby girl.  I knew this would happen if BB was a girl!  Every time we go out and about, I come home with a onesie, a dress, or some other item of clothing for baby girl! BJ has been a good sport so far and hasn't gotten upset with me (thank goodness)!  I have still yet to pick out her "homecoming" outfit, but there is still some time.
    Speaking of time: it occurred to me around week 29 that I could have this baby in less that 10 weeks.  I had been blissfully counting off the weeks... 8 weeks, 15 weeks, 25 weeks.... and BAM! She will be here before I know it!  Last week (during my Christmas break), BJ and I went and purchased the nursery furniture from the Children's Fair. BJ painted (with the help of Aunt April and Aunt Amanda), assembled the furniture (with the help of Grandaddy Tim), and I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned!  Here's the finished product!

     Beau and Bella are confused; they think all this is for them!  :)  Seriously, I think Beau senses that something is different about me.  He seems to be more protective of me, and sometimes he lays his head on my tummy.  Bella is either oblivious to my pregnancy or in doggie denial!  Between the two of them, I believe Bella will have the harder time adjusting to this baby.  She is such an attention hog, and she is a very jealous dog, but we can handle her!  
     So now, BJ and I play the waiting game.  BB could be here as soon as mid February, or she could hold off until her due date, March 6th.  We are anxious to meet her and at the same time, trying to enjoy our last few weeks as a family of two (plus two doggies)!

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