Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Heart's Journey- From June 2011 till Now

     For several months, I have wrestled with the idea of sharing the inner workings of my heart.  While I am not an extremely private person, I believe that there are some things that a person should keep to themselves, and I have often thought that maybe these feelings/thoughts should be kept private.  But the more my heart understands, the more I feel that these lessons were not meant to hidden.  By sharing this personal and emotional journey of my heart, I am proving to myself and others that "...all things work for the good of those who love Him..." (Romans 8:28).  And finally, I know that keeping this to myself is no longer an option for no other reason but that I only sit here with a joyful heart because of the shared experiences of others.  I want to mention that Where's God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey is a great book to study if you are struggling with any type of suffering (physical or emotional).  

Noah's Shower- 2007

     On June 4, 2011, Annie, one of my best friends, made her entrance into heaven.  She was a mother of two, a wife, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, and a true friend.  Since 7th grade, I have called her a best friend, and Annie, Kim, and I never lost touch, always making the effort to see each other often.  I could literally go on for days and days about how precious she was to everyone who knew her (in fact, I have devoted an entire blog to remembering all the wonderful things about her), but the fact is, no matter how much we loved her, she was taken from us in one of the worst ways imaginable. She died as a result of the actions of another irresponsible person.  
     With a heart completely broken in a way I have never experienced before, my emotions ranged between rage, sorrow, and grief, but after several months, I was unable to overcome my anger at God.  No matter what I had learned about God or known of Him in the past, I felt that for the first time in my life, I was dealing with a God I didn't know.  I knew God was in control, and this fact only fueled my anger; in my heart, I felt that since God was in control, He should have done something to stop this from happening.  I know God is a loving God, but I could not understand how a loving God could allow a precious mother to be ripped away from her boys, leaving them to grow up without her in their lives.  I refused to find comfort from a God I questioned, I refused to worship a God who takes away, and I refused to speak to a God who allowed boys to grow up without a mother.
      Even though my heart was bursting with anger, I didn't want to voice these emotions for fear that my own doubts and rage would lead others astray.  Of course, this only hardened my heart even more, and at times, life seemed so unbearable.  This anger seeped into all aspects of my life, and there were many days that I found it difficult to get out of bed and face another day. 
     I hate to regurgitate meaningless phrases that are repeated only to have something to say, but in an unexplainable way, time did allow my heart to begin to heal, each day crying fewer tears and my mind being less consumed with loss.  But my anger was still present, and on April 8th, I wrote in my journal “The Lord is all powerful; there is nothing beyond Him.  He has raised from the dead before.  Is it foolish to hope for this miracle now?  Will I only be disappointed, or is this simply a question of faith?”  As I wrote this, I knew how foolish I sounded, but I was trying to find a balance between faith and reality.  I knew God would not bring Annie back, but if this would never happen, then why did He ask for me to trust Him in all things?  I got my answer later that night. The next day I wrote:
“The Answer (as I was falling asleep):  It is not foolish, and God does most definitely have that power. BUT God does not act on my will, and this is why this won’t happen.  This all happened according to HIS will, and He will not undo it.  That would mean He made a mistake, which is impossible.  AND He loves her just as much as He loves me.  He would NEVER play games with her life in order to discipline me.”
Looking back now, this night was a break-through, the first point that I willingly allowed God to speak to me, to comfort me since June 2011.  I began reading Where's God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey, which I had purchased several months before.  On April 21st, I wrote:
“My understanding @ this point:
·      You didn’t cause this to happen. You didn’t allow this to happen.
·      We live in a world filled with sin because of human freedom (choice).
·      This world does not work in a way that pleases God (You).  The Bible states that You have placed a “condemned” sign on this planet. 
·      You hurt to see us hurt.  And You love her and were happy to see her enter into heaven.
·      I don’t need to focus on why this happened but how I will respond.
Pg. 111- ‘Where is God when it hurts? He is in usnot in the things that hurt- helping to transform bad into good.  We can safely say that God can bring good out of evil; we cannot say that God brings about evil in hopes of producing good.’ You did not plan for this to happen but You knew it would happen.”

     Do I understand why Annie left us so early? Do I see all good that God is working in this situation? No.  But I have decided that I will allow God to make good in me through this.  I will allow my heart, soul, and faith to be strengthened, and I will personally know of the Loving God I had knew before.  I will believe that God is good all the time, through the good and bad.  I will believe that God is worthy not because of the good things He does but simply because of Who He is. 
    And as of July 1, 2012, I see that there is most definitely good in the world.  Baby Belue was not a part of our plan, but BB is a part of an even better plan, orchestrated by a Loving and All-Knowing God.  There couldn’t be a more wonderful thought than knowing you were God’s plan!  God is Love.  I see God’s love in this baby growing in my womb and in the love of my family and friends. I am excited about this good news!  God is developing us into parents, who will guide our child towards the good in this world.  And I can truly believe, no matter the sin and evil in this world, that "...all things work for the good of those who love Him..." (Romans 8:28).  

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, bless the Lord!  

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